Storm doors supply extra security for homes while delivering additional protection to exterior doors. But slamming storm doors can increase the risks of problems, reducing the security they provide. Now you’re wondering how to prevent your storm door from slamming. We reached out to different experts, including those in DIY communities to give you the following answer.
Slamming storm doors usually occur because of door closers that need adjustments. Fine-tuning a storm door closer needs the following steps:
- Keep the storm door open.
- Check, loosen, and transfer the mounting pin.
- If step 2 didn’t work, modify the adjustment screws.
If the steps above don't work, replacing the storm door closer can be an ideal option. Keep reading as we tackle the different steps to install a pneumatic closer for your storm door. We’ll also talk about the steps to adjust a door closer in greater detail.

How Do You Adjust A Storm Door Closer?
Making minor adjustments to a storm door closer usually doesn’t require any special tools. You may only need a Philips head screwdriver for this job. After acquiring that tool, here’s a guide to help you adjust a door closer to prevent a storm door from slamming.

- Keep the storm door open (more information about how to achieve this step in a later section).
- Loosen the tension on the connecting pin once the door is locked in the open position.
- Move the door closer’s mounting position to another location if necessary.
- Test the door if it still slams.
- If steps 2 to 4 fail, adjust the inner adjustment screw by turning it clockwise.
- Test the door once again if it still slams.
How Do You Replace A Storm Door Closer?

You may need to replace the storm door closer if it slams the door and doesn’t work as intended. Take note that door closers often come in two product classes: pneumatic and hydraulic. In this section, you’ll learn the steps to replace a pneumatic storm door closer.
What You'll Need
- Pneumatic door closer kit
- Philips head screwdriver
- Pliers
- Drill
Step-by-Step Guide
- Keep the storm door open by setting the hold-open washer.
- Relieve the tension from the closer and remove the pins from the brackets using pliers.
- Remove the door closer by unhooking the closer piston from the door bracket.
- Uninstall the fasteners from the door and its jamb. The removal method may depend on your door closer's securing accessories.
- Assemble the O-ring and pin from the door bracket that should come with the door closer kit. Then, reassemble these two parts onto the closer piston.
- Secure the jamb bracket into the door jamb with the fasteners included in the kit.
- Place and secure the closer piston into the jamb bracket using the new pin.
- Put the temporary spacer to allow sufficient room for the closer to function efficiently.
- Disassemble and remove the O-ring and pin from the closer piston.
- Connect and secure the closer's bracket to the door. You should find an arrow on the bracket and make sure it's pointing to the closer.
- Now that the closer is attached and secured to the door, assemble the O-ring and pin again.
- Remove the temporary spacer.
- Adjust the closer's tension to your preference by turning the adjustment screw.
- Test the door and apply additional fine-tuning to the door closer if necessary.
A storm door closer replacement doesn't need new pilot holes for you to drill. But you need to drill new holes into the door jamb if you're installing a closer in a new setup. You can also watch the video below to see the steps mentioned above in action:
Additionally, read the following post if you’re looking into installing a new hydraulic closer: "How To Install A Door Closer On A Screen Door?"
Check out this pneumatic door closer on Amazon.
How Do You Keep A Storm Door Open?

As mentioned previously, you can keep a storm door open by manipulating the hold-open washer. The steps to achieve this operation are:
- Prop the washer open with the hold-open washer.
- Remove the connecting pin and place it into the closer tube.
- Test the door if it remains open.
You’ll generally see two holes for the connecting pin. Placing it at the rear hole will cause the latch to remain closed. You need to place the pin at the front hole to prevent the door from closing or slamming shut.
Another option is to find the button on fairly modern closers that’ll keep the door open. This feature allows homeowners to enter and exit the premises without fiddling around with different parts.
Check out this touch and hold door closer on Amazon.
Does Slamming Doors Cause Damage?
Repeated door slamming can cause serious harm to your doors. Doing so will push the doorway from its jamb, causing it to misalign. If left unchecked, frequently slamming the door can also cause the entryway to be forced out of the opening. In turn, the door’s seam may separate, leaving a large gap between the slab and the jamb.
Read this post to help prevent unnecessary door slamming: "How To Keep Your Screen Door From Slamming?"
How Do You Fix A Door That Slams?
Aside from fixing or replacing a door closer, you can also use other techniques to help stop a door from slamming. Some of the procedures you may apply are:
Use a Rubber Band
A rubber band is an inexpensive way to prevent a door from slamming. Follow these steps to use this DIY solution:
- Open and keep the door in that position.
- Place the rubber band around the handle.
- Stretch the band to the door’s other side.
The band becomes a makeshift gasket that softens the door’s closing speed before hitting the frame. But make sure that the rubber band covers the door’s handle for this effect to work.
Also, this technique should only be temporary and you should still think about using other long-term solutions for your door. Rubber bands can become brittle and crack under inclement weather. You can replace the broken band with a new one, but doing so might not be an economical and dependable outcome.
Check out this product on Amazon.
Replace the Hinges
Worn or improperly installed hinges can cause a door to close with more force than necessary. Use a level to check if the hinges are aligned. Adjust these parts if needed. Otherwise, replace the hinges to experience a long-term solution.
Watch the video below to learn how to replace broken hinges on a storm door:
Check out this storm door hinge on Amazon.
Install a Weather-Stripping Kit
A weather-stripping kit won’t only soften the door as it closes, this product also improves the doorway’s weather resistance and soundproofing characteristics. Weather-strip installation is relatively easy. But you can also take advantage of professional services if you’re not confident with your current DIY abilities.
You can also watch the video below to learn how to apply weather-stripping to a door:
Check out this door weather-stripping kit on Amazon.
Final Words
A storm door slamming can bring serious damage to the doorway’s material and its surroundings. You can manipulate the mounting pin or fine-tune the adjustment screws to prevent certain issues with the storm door. Think about replacing your storm door’s closer if the previous methods fail.